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Chinese translation for "preemption mechanism"


Related Translations:
preemption:  排除抢先先买权先取优先购买权有优先权的预占
preemption count:  占先计数
selective preemption:  选择性抢占
preemption mode:  占先模式
preemption claiman:  优先购买权请求人
preemption act:  先买法
reverse preemption:  反向预占
preemption rate:  占位价格
ruthless preemption:  强制预占
pseudo preemption:  伪占先
Example Sentences:
1.It summarizes the main factors that have an impact on the realtime performance of linux , which include interrupt mechanism , preemption mechanism and scheduling mechanism
总结了影响linux实时性的主要因素? ? linux关中断机制、内核非抢占机制以及调度机制。
Similar Words:
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